Archived Classes

KodeConnect Classes

See class descriptions below and click on the learn more for further details.

Web Development Basics


Learn the basics of Web Development using HTML, CSS, and Javascript! Weekly afterschool Tuesdays starting September 19th, 4:00pm - 5:30pm.

Ages 11-14 recommended. 

A weekly robotics and coding club for younger kids. Using tools like Wonder (Dash & Dot) as well as Lego First Robotics season pass, we make sure kids are engaged and exposed to problem solving, teamwork, and computer science.

Hour of Code™ with KodeConnect Inc.

Stay Tuned for the next Hour of Code™

We partner and host Hour of Code programs in the community. Learn more about them and sigup for the next class with KodeConnect Inc. This program is free for kids 8-12, but registration is required. 

Intro to Blockly

Visual Programming w/ Robotics (3rd - 5th Grade)

Let's learn the basics of programming using Blockly, a visual programming language using blocks that link together to make writing code easier. Kids in this program will learn the basics of programming including using Blockly to interface with robotics.

Scratch Basics

Visual Programming
(3rd–5th Grade)

Let's learn the basics of programming using Scratch, a visual programming language developed by MIT for quickly learning about the foundations of coding. Kids in this course will quickly be able to code, review, and debug their work in a user friendly user interface.